Sunday, September 6, 2015


An example of uniform linear motion is a group of people marching together in a parade, performing the exact same steps together. In contrast, an example of non uniform linear motion is a child going down a slide, as they are constantly changing speed and position.
Periodic Motion
Periodic motions are defined as any type of motion that repeats itself over time. Periodic motions are abundant in nature. Motions such as planetary motion, the motion of moons around planets, the motion of orbital satellites, the motion of the blades of a fan, the rotation of an engine are some examples for periodic motions. Periodic motions can be classified into two main categories. First one is natural periodic motions, which occur in nature without any external force; the second type is artificial or man-made periodic motions. These motions are forced periodic motions such as diesel engines. Periodic motions can occur either in regular paths such as circles, ellipses or in irregular paths, which cannot be defined easily. Most of the periodic motions occurring in irregular paths are forced periodic motions
Oscillatory Motion
Oscillatory motions are a type of periodic motion. An oscillatory motion is usually defined as a repetitive variation over time. The oscillatory motion can occur over a middle equilibrium point or between two states. A pendulum is a good example for an oscillatory motion.

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