Friday, September 19, 2014


                                                  ORGAN SYSTEMS

Q 1 Name the following :

1) A group of cells performing the same function    ---                              TISSUES

2) The process of breaking up food into simpler, soluble substances ---     DIGESTION

3)  The canal from the mouth to the rectum   ---                                           ALIMENTARY CANAL

4)  The tube that connects the mouth to the stomach   ---                             OESOPHAGUS

5)  The secretion of the liver   ---                                                                   BILE

6)  The site where the bile is stored   ---                                                         GALL BLADDER

7)  The secretion of salivary gland   ---                                                           SALIVA

8)  The tube that lead air into the lungs   ---                                                     TRACHEA

9)  A muscular  flap that prevents food from entering the
      wind pipe at the time of swallowing   ---                                                      EPIGLOTTIS

10) The common chamber for air and food   ---                                                  PHARYNX